What is a Storage Device? Definition, Types & Examples

storage devices

The storage unit is a piece of the PC framework which is utilized to store the data and guidelines to be handled. A storage device is a basic piece of the PC equipment which stores data/information to handle the consequence of any computational work. Without a storage device, a PC wouldn’t have the option to run or try and boot up. Or then again at the end of the day, we can say that a storage device is equipment that is utilized for putting away, porting, or extricating information records. It can likewise store data/information both briefly and for all time.

Types of Computer Memory

  1. Primary Memory
  2. Secondary Memory
  3. Tertiary Memory

1. Primary Memory: It is otherwise called inward memory and fundamental memory. This is a part of the central processor that holds program directions, input information, and transitional outcomes. It is by and large more modest in size. Smash (Irregular Access Memory) and ROM (Read only Memory) are instances of essential stockpiling.

2. Secondary Memory: Auxiliary capacity is a memory that is put away outer to the PC. It is chiefly utilized for the extremely durable and long haul stockpiling of projects and information. Hard Plates, Discs, DVDs, Pen/Streak drives, SSD, and so on, are instances of auxiliary stockpiling.

3. Tertiary Memory: Tertiary Memory is a kind of Memory that is seldom utilized in PCs and because of this, tertiary memory isn’t viewed as a significant one. Tertiary memory works consequently without human mediation.

Types of Computer Storage Devices

Now we will discuss different types of storage devices available in the market. These storage devices have their own specification and use. Some of the commonly used storage devices are:

  1. Primary Storage Devices
  2. Magnetic Storage Devices
  3. Flash memory Devices
  4. Optical Storage Devices
  5. Cloud and Virtual Storage

1. Primary Storage Devices


It represents Arbitrary Access Memory. Used to store data is utilized right away or we can say that it is a transitory memory. PCs bring the product introduced on a hard plate to RAM to handle it and to be utilized by the client. Once, the PC is switched off, the information is erased. With the assistance of Smash, PCs can play out different undertakings like stacking applications, perusing the web, altering a bookkeeping sheet, encountering the most current game, and so forth.

It permits you to change rapidly among these errands, recalling where you’re in one undertaking once you change to an alternate assignment. It is additionally used to load and run applications, similar to your calculation sheet program, answers orders, similar to all alters you made inside the calculation sheet, or switch between various projects, as once you passed on the calculation sheet to see the email. Memory is almost in every case effectively utilized by your PC. It goes from 1GB – 32GB/64GB relying on the details. There are various sorts of Smash, and in spite of the fact that they all fill similar need, the most widely recognized ones are.


SRAM is Static random Access Memory. It comprises of circuits that hold put away data as long as the power supply is on. It is otherwise called unstable memory. Building Store memory is utilized. The entrance season of SRAM is lower and it is a lot quicker when contrasted with Measure yet as far as cost, it is expensive when contrasted with Measure. It is utilized to store parallel pieces as electrical charges that are applied to capacitors. The entrance season of Measure is more slow when contrasted with SRAM however it is less expensive than SRAM and has a high bundling thickness.


SDRAM stands for Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory is a quicker than Measure. It is generally utilized in PCs and others. After SDRAM was presented, the overhauled rendition of twofold information rate Smash, i.e., DDR1, DDR2, DDR3, and DDR4 was placed into the market and broadly utilized in home/office work areas and PCs.


It represents Read only Memory. The information composed or put away in these gadgets are non-unstable, i.e, when the information is put away in the memory can’t be altered or erased. The memory from which will just peruse yet can’t compose it. This sort of memory is non-unstable. The data is put away for all time during fabricate just a single time. ROM stores directions that are utilized to begin a PC. This activity is alluded to as bootstrap. It is additionally utilized in other electronic things like washers and microwaves. ROM chips can store a couple of megabytes (MB) of information, which ranges somewhere in the range of 4 and 8 MB for every ROM chip.

There are two sorts of ROM:


PROM is Programmable Read Only Memory. These are ROMs that can be customized. An extraordinary PROM developer is utilized to enter the program on the PROM. When the chip has been modified, data on the PROM can’t be adjusted. PROM is non-unstable, that is information isn’t lost when power is turned off.


One more kind of memory is the Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory. It is feasible to delete the data which has been recently put away on an EPROM and compose new information onto the chip.
EEPROM: EEPROM is Electrically erasable programmable read only memory. Here, information can be eradicated without utilizing bright light, with the utilization of simply applying the electric field.

2. Magnetic Storage Devices

Floppy Disk:

Floppy Disk is also called a floppy diskette. It is for the most part utilized on a PC to remotely store information. A Floppy circle is comprised of a plastic cartridge and got with a defensive case. These days floppy circle is supplanted by new and successful capacity gadgets like USB and so on.

Hard Disk:

Hard Disk is a capacity gadget (HDD) that stores and recovers information utilizing attractive capacity. A non-unstable capacity gadget can be changed or erased n number of times easily. Most PCs and workstations have HDDs as their auxiliary stockpilingdevice. It is really a bunch of stacked plates, very much like phonograph records. In each hard plate, the information is recorded electromagnetically in concentric circles or we can say track present on the hard circle, and with the assistance of a head very much like a phonograph arm(but fixed in a position) to peruse the data present on the track. The read-compose speed of HDDs isn’t all that quick however fair. It goes from a couple of GBs to a couple and more TB.

Magnetic Card:

Magnetic card where information is put away by changing or modifying the attraction of little iron-put together. It is otherwise called a swipe card. It is utilized like a passcode(to go into the house or lodging), Mastercard, personality card, and so on.

Tape Cassete:

It is otherwise called a music tape. It is a rectangular level compartment where the information is put away in a simple attractive tape. Putting away sound recordings is by and large utilized.

Super Disk:

It is likewise called LS-240 and LS-120. Super Disk presented by Imation Organization and  is famous with OEM PCs. It can store information up to 240 MB.

3. Flash Memory Devices

It is a less expensive and more versatile stockpiling device. It is the most ordinarily utilized device to store information in light of the fact that is more dependable and effective when contrasted with other capacity devices. A portion of the ordinarily utilized streak memory devices are:

Pen Drive:

It is otherwise called a USB streak drive that incorporates streak memory with a coordinated USB interface. We can straightforwardly interface these devices to our PCs and workstations and read/compose information into them in a lot quicker and more effective way. These devices are truly versatile. It goes from 1GB to 256GB by and large.


It represents Strong State Drive, a mass stockpiling device like HDD. It needs less power when contrasted with hard circles, is lightweight, and has 10x quicker perused and composes speed when contrasted with hard plates. Be that as it may, these are exorbitant too. While SSDs serve a comparable capability as hard drives, their inward parts are entirely different. Not at all like hard drives, SSDs have no moving parts and hence they’re called strong state drives. Rather than putting away information on attractive platters, SSDs store information utilizing non-unstable capacity. Since SSDs haven’t any moving parts, they don’t have to “turn up”. It goes from 150GB to a couple of more TB.

SD Card:

SD card is a Protected Computerized Card. Its the most part utilized with electronic devices like telephones, advanced cameras, and so on to store bigger information. It is convenient and the size of the SD card is likewise little so it can undoubtedly squeeze into electronic devices. It is accessible in various sizes like 2GB, 4GB, 8GB, and so on.

Memory Card:

It is by and large utilized in advanced cameras. printers, game control center, and so forth. It is likewise used to store a lot of information and is accessible in various sizes. To run a memory card on a PC you require a different memory card peruser.

Mixed media Card:

It is otherwise called MMC. A coordinated circuit is by and large utilized in-vehicle radios, advanced cameras, and so forth. It is an outer device to store information/data.

4. Optical Storage Devices

Optical storage device is likewise optional storage devices. It is a removable stockpiling devices.                      Following are some optical stockpiling device:


It contains tracks and areas on putting away data surface. It is comprised of polycarbonate plastic and is round in shape. Compact disc can store information up to 700MB. It is of two kinds.

Album R:

It represents Minimized Circle read-as it were. In this sort of Compact disc, when the information is composed can not be eradicated. It is perused as it were.

Cd RW:

It represents Minimized Plate Read Compose. In this kind of Disc, you can without much of a stretch compose or eradicate information on different occasions.


It is known as Computerized Adaptable Circle. DVDs are roundabout level optical circles used to store information. It comes in two unique sizes one is 4.7GB single-layer plates and another is 8.5GB twofold layer circles. DVDs seem to be Compact discs however the storage limit of DVDs is more than when contrasted with Albums. It is of two kinds:


It represents Computerized Flexible Plate read-as it were. In this kind of DVD, when the information is composed can not be eradicated. It is perused as it were. It is by and large used to compose films, and so forth.


It represents Computerized Adaptable Circle Read Compose. In this sort of DVD, you can undoubtedly compose or eradicate information on different occasions.

Blu-beam Circle:

It is very much like Album and DVD yet the storage limit of blu beam depends on 25GB. To run a Blu-beam circle you want a different Blu-beam peruser. This Blu-beam innovation is utilized to peruse a circle from a blue-violet laser because of which the data is put away in more prominent thickness with a more extended frequency.

5. Cloud and Virtual Storage

These days, optional memory has been moved up to virtual or distributed storage devices. We can store our documents and other stuff in the cloud and the information is put away however long we pay for the distributed storage. There are many organizations that give cloud benefits generally Google, Amazon, Microsoft and so forth. We can pay the lease for how much space we really want and we receive different advantages in return. The client does not communicate with the devices, which are actually being put away in server farms by the specialists, and provides no support for them.For instance, Amazon Web Administrations offers AWS S3 as a kind of stockpiling where clients can store information essentially as opposed to being put away in actual hard drive devices. Such developments address the wilderness of where stockpiling media goes.





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