What is Computer? Computer Types and its Functions

personal computer

A Computer is an electronic gadget that can get, store, interaction, and result information. A machine can play out different errands and tasks, going from basic estimations to complex recreations and computerized reasoning.

PCs comprise of equipment parts like the focal handling unit (computer processor), memory, capacity gadgets, input/yield gadgets, and peripherals, as well as programming parts like the working framework and applications.

In the nineteenth century, inventors created mechanical devices such as the Logical Motor and others for organizing machines, marking the beginning of the historical technology behind PCs. PCs were created with the innovation of the semiconductor and the improvement of integrated circuits during the twentieth century.

Computer is a device that transforms data into meaningful information. It processes the input according to the set of instructions provided to it by the user and gives the desired output quickly. A Computer can perform the following set of functions:

  • Accept data
  • Store data
  • Process data as desired
  • Retrieve the stored data as and when required
  • Print the result in desired format.

Data and Information:

The PC takes in and processes raw numbers, along with the setting of instructions, to convert this data into refined and valuable information. Data: Information addressed in valuable and significant structure is data.

Connected ideas are represented by information and data, but they have different implications. Information alludes to crude statistical data points that are chaotic and have no importance all alone. An individual or a system handles, coordinates, and sets data to make it significant and valuable, transforming it into meaningful information.

Information can take many structures, like numbers, words, pictures, or sounds. For instance, a rundown of marketing projections for an organization is information. Be that as it may, this information without help from anyone else gives no valuable data. It should be handled and broke down to be transformed into data that can be utilized for direction.

Classification of Computers:

People classify computers based on the technology used and the design of the machines for performing various tasks. People can categorize computers into Digital, Analog, and Hybrid based on their design and functioning.

  1. Digital Computers : Digital computers which are capable of processing information in discrete form. Active voice: Digital technology takes binary form to represent data, which can be letters, symbols, or numbers. In industrial, business, and scientific applications, digital computers are used for processing information.
  2. Hybrid Computers :  Hybrid Computers are used as a cost effective means for complex simulations. It has the speed of analog computer and the accuracy of a digital computer. The device must accept and convert digital or analog signals extensively before it can process them. This involves changing digital signals to analog and vice versa as needed.
  3. Analog Computers: These PCs deal with information created by progressing actual cycles. A thermometer is an illustration of a simple PC since it estimates the adjustment of mercury level persistently. Simple PCs are appropriate to recreating frameworks. A test system assists with leading examinations more than once progressively climate. A portion of the normal models are reenactments in airplanes, thermal energy stations, pressure driven and electronic organizations.
  4. Super computers:

    Scientists and researchers use the most powerful and expensive computers for complex calculations and research.

    In fields such as cryptography, weather forecasting, and nuclear research, researchers employ equipment and techniques. In the fields of cryptography, weather forecasting, and nuclear research, researchers use equipment and techniques.

  5. Mini Computers: These are smaller and less powerful than mainframe computers, but they are still capable of handling multiple users and processing large amounts of data. They are commonly used by small to medium-sized businesses for accounting, inventory management.
  6. Personal Computers: Individual users commonly use small and affordable computers for personal productivity, entertainment, and communication. The designers consider the needs of these computers while building them.
  7. Mobile Devices: Small and portable computers, including smartphones, tablets, and laptops, are designed to be conveniently used on the go.
         Peripheral Devices:

These gadgets allow the PC to carry out specific roles remotely. These fringe gadgets empower the PC to            work as per the client prerequisites by taking care of information all through the PC. Fringe gadgets are as per              the following:

Light Pen
Optical/attractive Scanner
Contact Screen
Receiver for voice as info
Track Ball
Screen (Visual Presentation Unit)




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