Online Public Relations (PR)

Public sphere

public sphere

Online Public Relations (E-PR, Digital PR) refers to the use of the Internet to communicate with current and potential clients in the public sphere. It works as an influence on web relations between cyber citizens and aims to make desirable comments about an organization, its products and services, news seen by its target audience and greatly reduce their undesirable comments.

How Can Online Public Relations (PR) Impact Your Business? - APAC Insider

In the era of digital marketing, the leading online public relations tools for public relations professionals and marketers, such as content marketing and search engine optimization, are the result of a combination of digital technologies and public relations. Those approaches have become the leading digital marketing machines and learning how to leverage these marketing tools is an essential part of modern public relations strategies.

Sources for Online PR:

Newspaper and Magazine Columns:

Just because a PR rep works primarily online doesn’t mean they’ll cut ties with regular media. While online PR representatives have focused primarily on the online aspect of mainstream media. Those same relationships still need to be built.

Personal Blogs:

People read blogs. There is no doubt that working with personal blog writers can improve your company’s reputation. You just have to know which ones to choose. What you’re looking for, when it comes to personal blogs, are influencers who actually change people’s minds or promote a company because they endorsed it or mentioned it on their blog.

Professional Blogs:

Additionally, online PR representatives will want to spend most of their time blogging for those that are more professional in nature. Obviously, the company blog is a good place to start.

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Online Directories:

It is a good idea for businesses to ensure they are listed in major directories, similar business lists, and professional organizations that will build their reputation.


Attending online and offline events related to online public sphere can have an impact on how you are viewed by your clients, as well as by the general public. If your company has a presence at events.


For a company to win an award, it must first be in the running. What this means is that for some professional awards and recognitions, you need to make sure your name is on the right piece of paper or, in the case of online PR, on the right website. Prizes can only be awarded to companies that register with the organization granting the prizes.


Twitter is listed separately from other social networks because it is the most important PR tool an online PR representative has. Not only do customers use Twitter more frequently to send direct messages to the company about a complaint they have, but they also pay more attention to the company’s Twitter account than any other social media site.

The Importance of Public Relations

The rest of the social networks:

You will definitely want to take advantage of the rest of the social networks besides Twitter. Facebook is the most important, but you should maintain several social media sites, including Instagram.

Web Searches:

Finally, make sure you also do Internet marketing. Internet marketing definitely has a place in online public relations, because people searching the Internet will find information about your company, and if you can control that information, then you will control the reputation and image of your company.

Differences between online and traditional public relations:

  • Organizations can communicate with their audiences directly through a variety of online platforms rather than relying solely on media channels.
  • The audiences exposed to the information are linked to the network and then the flow of information is multi directional between people.
  • Multiple sources of information provided may be accessible to the public.
  • The public has the right to review, comment and evaluate
    Online public relations targets social media, web searches, blogs and websites, in addition to targeting traditional media outlets.


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