Industrial robots and features of robots

Industrial Robot

In an industrial setting, a programmable mechanical device, known as an industrial robot, performs tasks with a high degree of precision and efficiency.s. These robots are a crucial component of modern manufacturing and automation processes, contributing to increased productivity, improved quality, and enhanced safety in various industries.

The use of industrial robots has already become a megatrend, with spending on robotics by companies expected to reach nearly $66.9 billion by 2025, according to growth forecasts by the International Federation of Robotics.

industrial robots

George Devol, the inventor, took the first steps in this branch of robotics and created the 1948 device that later became the first robotic arm called Unimate.,In the automotive sector, factories use an essential tool for evolution in their assembly lines. Devol together with Joseph F. Engelberger, physicist and engineer, founded Unimation technology, a pioneering company that manufactured industrial robots in the world, and it was General Motors itself that installed these first robotic arms, thus initiating the transformation of its assembly lines towards automation.

Features of Industrial robot

Industrial robots are equipped with sensors, cameras, and advanced control systems to adapt to changing conditions.

Human workers’ roles have been automated in manufacturing through the introduction of industrial robots. These robots excel in tasks such as assembly, welding, painting, packaging, and material handling. Their precision and speed contribute to higher production rates and consistent product quality.

Advantages of industrail robot

1.Better quality and consistency

Along with other tech — such as the industrial internet of things (IIoT) or 3D printing robots — industrial robots are able to provide better production quality and more precise and reliable processes. Added benefits also include reduced cycle times and real-time monitoring to improve preventive maintenance practices.

The advantages of industrial robots include increased efficiency, reduced production costs, enhanced safety by handling dangerous tasks, and the ability to operate continuously without fatigue. Manufacturers can integrate them into existing production lines or design specific applications for them, achieving a high level of customization.

2. Maximum productivity and throughput

It increases speed for manufacturing processes, in part by operating 24/7. Robots don’t need breaks or shift changes. The speed and dependability of robots ultimately reduces cycle time and maximizes throughput.

3. Greater safety

Using robots for repetitive tasks means fewer risks of injury for workers, especially when manufacturing has to take place under hostile conditions. In addition, supervisors can oversee the process online or from a remote location.

4. Reduced direct labor costs

The cost of having a person handle many manufacturing operations is often more expensive than robot. Workers can also be freed up to use their skills and expertise in other business areas, such as engineering, programming and maintenance.

5. Keeping manufacturing in the U.S.

Some argue that robots are taking jobs away from U.S. workers, but that’s not necessarily the case.Humans typically integrate industrial robots into operations that require their expertise. A robot hands off welded parts to a person, who intuitively uses “if, then” thinking to perform the required task.

Advancements in robotics technology, including improved sensors, artificial intelligence, and collaborative capabilities, have marked the evolution of industrial robots.. Collaborative robots, or cobots, are a recent development that can work alongside human operators, promoting a more flexible and cooperative manufacturing environment.

While industrial robots offer numerous benefits, their implementation also raises considerations about job displacement, ethical concerns, and the need for proper training and maintenance. Industrial robots are expected to play an increasingly vital role in shaping the future of manufacturing and industrial processes as technology continues to advance.


1. High initial investment

Robots typically require a large upfront investment. When you research a business case for purchasing industrial robots, ensure you consider all the associated costs, including installation and configuration. You can evaluate whether the robot can be easily modified for altering its operation in the future.

2. Expertise can be scarce

Industrial robots need sophisticated operation, maintenance and programming. These skills are causing an increase in the number of people. However, the growth is still constrained… As a result, it’s important to consider the personnel investment you’ll need to make to bring in that expertise or “retool” your existing staff to take on the task.

3. Ongoing costs

While it may reduce some manufacturing labor costs, they do come with their own ongoing expenses, such as maintenance. In addition, you’ll want to consider the costs to keep your robot and any related IIoT connected devices protected from cyberthreats.

Getting started 

Interested in learning more about the types of industrial robots that would benefit your manufacturing business? If you’re ready to explore options, contact Wipfli to request a complimentary consultation

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