Email Marketing


Online Marketing

Email marketing is a form of online marketing that can inform customers on your email list about new products, discounts, and other services. It can also be a softer sell to educate your audience about the value of your brand or keep them interested between purchases.

The Role of Email Marketing In Effective Digital Marketing Strategy

There are several types of marketing emails that you could consider incorporating into your email marketing strategy. Some common types of emails include:

  • Welcome emails
  • Email newsletters
  • Promotional emails
  • Lead nurturing emails or re-engagement emails
  • Transactional emails, such as confirmation emails or password reset notices
  • Feedback or survey emails
  • Milestone emails, such as for customer birthdays or anniversaries

Benefits of email marketing:

Develop customer enthusiasm:

Email marketing is very effective in generating customer interest. When done right, a newsletter is a cost-effective, quick and easy way to keep customers informed (and excited) about new product launches or new promotions.

Improve customer loyalty:

Email marketing allows you to regularly stay in touch with customers and website visitors. Verified shoppers also appreciate staying up to date with the latest products and promotions. Studies show that it costs five times more to acquire a new customer than to retain an existing customer.


Better customer reach:

Email marketing has a higher chance of being seen, compared to social media updates where you may miss ads and simply scroll up in your news feeds. With just a few clicks, emails can be sent to thousands of users. Those users are free to read whenever they want, whether online or offline.

Easy to maintain and economical:

As mentioned above, email marketing is cost-effective and relatively easier and cheaper to maintain. Email marketing services like MailChimp or ActiveCampaign have simplified the process, allowing for greater automation and personalization.A 2021 study, for example, found that the average return on investment (ROI) for email marketing is $36 for every $1 spent.

However, the ROI of email marketing is not the same for all industries. In the same study, researchers broke down the average ROI per dollar spent across four different industries as follows:

  • Retail, economics, and consumer goods: $45
  • Marketing, PR, advertising agency: $42
  • Software and technology: $36
  • Media, publishing, events, sports, entertainment: $32

Importance of email marketing:

Creating a strong email marketing strategy helps you reach and connect with your target audience in a personalised way and increase sales at an affordable cost. Just as other platforms and mediums have changed, email marketing tools give your business the ability to reach customers more easily than ever.

As a marketer, your top priority should always be to get your audience’s permission before sending any marketing emails. Make sure your subscribers have given you consent to receive your emails; Otherwise, you risk ending up in the dreaded spam folder or, worse yet, on the receiving end of a hefty fine.

Email marketing platforms and tools:

Email marketers tend to use a variety of online marketing tools and platforms to maximize their team’s efficiency. As you implement your marketing strategy, these platforms offer advanced features that can help you design personalized emails, manage your contact list, send automated emails, and monitor your email marketing efforts.

The 7 best free email marketing services in 2023 | Zapier

Some common email marketing platforms include:

  • Sendinblue
  • Mailchimp
  • Omnisend
  • Get Response
  • Constant Contact
  • Active Campaign

Email Marketing Problems:

Some most common email marketing problems:

  • Low delivery rate
  • Low open rate
  • Low click rate
  • High subscription rate
  • High number of SPAM complaints (usually seen in conjunction with #4)
  • Low active proportion
  • Limited post-click activity


Email marketing is a powerful online marketing channel, a form of direct marketing and digital marketing, that uses email to promote your company’s products or services. You can help let your customers know about your latest items or offers by integrating them into your marketing automation efforts.


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